Tuesday 29 April 2014

EVALUATION- How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to draw awareness and attract my audience to my product, I made sure that my audience would be able to access and stay in contact with the magazine in a range of places. By this I mean that I applied the theory of convergence which allows the audience to interact with the magazine brand via different ways and will cause my magazine to remain relevant. I was able to show this on my front cover by placing the icons of the most popular social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I reckoned this to be a very significant way to address my target audience because young people are commonly entertained and seen to be frequently engaged to social network sites therefore it suggests to the audience that they can be kept up to date with musical information. Adding on to that, convergence allows the target audience number to grow as social networking is a cheaper and faster alternative to spread information and advertise the magazine.
Another way in which my product is able to attract its audience was by including “freebees” and posters. Due to the fact that my target audience are mainly unemployed students, by giving away free items it would increase their interests into the magazine because they will feel as if they are gaining more than what they are paying for. For example my magazine states that it includes free posters and give away ticket to concerts. I think by doing this it will attract the audience as they feel comfortable and will initiate a sense of excitement. As well as this the price of the magazine is not too expensive will persuade and encourage the audience to purchase the magazine.

The choice of images and colours is another way my product is able to attract the audience. The main images are meant to represent musicians and dominant figures within the music industry. This will attract the audience as they feel some recognition towards the magazine as they familiar with the faces. By using a “star”, it will help with the promotion of the magazine as it gives the young audience something and someone to admire. Contrasting and bold colours such as reds, yellows and greys are found throughout my magazine as it causes the pages to stand out. I found the use of certain colours and fonts as an efficient mechanism to attract the audience as young people tend to prefer striking images, colours and style to mass amounts of texts.

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